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2016 June SAP Official New Released C_EPMBPC_10 Q&As in GreatExam.com!

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GreatExam dumps for C_EPMBPC_10 exam are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, provided by our certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. We guarantee the best quality and accuracy of our products. We hope you pass the exams successfully with our practice test. With our SAP C_EPMBPC_10 practice test, you will pass your exam easily at the first attempt. You can also enjoy 365 days free update for your product.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)

During testing you notice that account descriptions are missing. How do you resolve this issue?

A.    Import master data descriptions.
B.    Refresh dimension members.
C.    Import transaction data.
D.    Import master data hierarchies.

Answer: A

Which dimension type is optional for a model?

A.    A-Account
B.    T-Time
C.    D-Audit
D.    C-Category

Answer: C

What are valid MDX expansion options?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

A.    ANY
E.    SELF

Answer: BCD

In SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation for NetWeaver, the language texts are missing.
How do you fix this issue?

A.    Import transaction data.
B.    Load data from the InfoProvider.
C.    Refresh dimension members.
D.    Import master data descriptions.

Answer: D

Which data management option is required to load transaction data from a file to an SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation Application?

A.    Run the data management package.
B.    Organize the package list.
C.    Download the data file.
D.    Maintain data management.

Answer: A

Which package group is customer-specific in SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation for NetWeaver?

A.    Financial Processes
B.    Data Management
C.    Reporting Management
D.    System Administrative

Answer: C

What do you need to consider when using journals?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.    Journal authorizations are only governed by the task ‘create journals’.
B.    Journals are copied when you copy one appset to another.
C.    Journals are supported in the work status configuration.
D.    Journals can be posted either manually or automatically but not both.

Answer: BC

How do hierarchies in BPC for Microsoft differ from those in BPC for NetWeaver?

A.    They must be balanced.
B.    They are limited to a total of 12 per dimension.
C.    They are kept as separate dimensions in the database.
D.    They are time dependent.

Answer: C

What steps are required to save new members from the member sheet to the database of the admin console?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.    Maintain dimension members.
B.    Process dimension.
C.    Save to server.
D.    Change the flag ‘Take system off-line’.
E.    Maintain dimension property.

Answer: BC

What dimensions can be referenced to each other?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.    Time to Category
B.    Flow to Account
C.    Account to Rate
D.    Intco to Entity
E.    Currency to Entity

Answer: AE

We offer standard exam questions of SAP C_EPMBPC_10 practice test. The standard exams are important if you have never taken a real exam. The accuracy of the Q&As are fully guaranteed and the number is enough to impact you passing the exam.

2016 SAP C_EPMBPC_10 exam dumps (All 189 Q&As) from GreatExam:

http://www.greatexam.com/c-epmbpc-10-exam-questions.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed!!!]

June 13th, 2016

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