2016 June SAP Official New Released C_BOCR_11 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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C_BOCR_11 exam questions and answers provided by GreatExam will guarantee you pass C_BOCR_11 exam, because GreatExam is the top IT Certification study training materials vendor. Many candidates have passed exam with the help of GreatExam. We offer the latest C_BOCR_11 PDF and VCE dumps with new version VCE player for free download, you can pass the exam beyond any doubt.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
You create the following formula: Dim x as number Dim y as string Dim z as boolean Formula = “Hello” x = 5 y= “Goodbye” z = true Which value does it return?
A. 5
B. “Goodbye”
C. “Hello”
D. True
Answer: C
When is data not returned to a report? (Choose two.)
A. A new field is added to the report in design view.
B. A new table is added to the report from the database expert.
C. The report is exported to MS Excel.
D. The report is previewed.
Answer: AB
Which method can you use to prevent a field from being displayed when its value is zero?
A. Suppress the field in the Select Expert.
B. Conditionally format the field in the Format Editor.
C. Conditionally format the field in the Field Editor.
D. Hide the field in the Section Expert.
Answer: B
How do you insert a graphic into a report so that the graphic is automatically updated?
A. Add the graphic from the repository.
B. Store the graphic on your system with a reference to the source file.
C. Store the graphic in the network cache.
D. Add the graphic from the Web Folders.
Answer: A
Your company purchases a new sales contact list and imports the records into the database. Some of the new records contain NULL values. The database record count is different than the number of rows returned in your report. What can you do to solve the record count inconsistency?
A. Modify the group selection formula to exclude NULL values.
B. Modify the record selection formula to exclude NULL values.
C. Suppress formulas that check for NULL values.
D. Suppress sections based on the NULL values.
Answer: B
What method should you use to enable dynamic sorting of a report field in Crystal Reports 2008?
A. Bind Sort Control to Field Data
B. Insert Sort Control on Field Data
C. Bind Sort Control to Field Heading
D. Insert Sort Control on Field Heading
Answer: C
Which export option should you select to see a list of formulas used in a report, including the formula syntax?
A. Report Definition
B. Text
C. Character Separated Values (CSV)
D. Acrobat Format (PDF)
Answer: A
You create a group selection formula for your report but receive an error “This formula cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.” What caused this error?
A. You used print-time functions in the group selection formula.
B. You used arrays in the group selection formula.
C. You used shared variables in the group selection formula.
D. You referenced a formula using “WhilePrintingRecords” in the group selection formula.
Answer: D
What is the primary reason for using formulas in Crystal Reports?
A. To simplify the creation of detailed reports
B. To save storage space on the Crystal Reports server by generating fields on the fly
C. To reduce system load on the Crystal Reports server
D. To generate information that is not available directly from database fields
Answer: D
You referenced the wrong field while creating a barcode. How must you correct the barcode?
A. Delete the barcode and recreate it.
B. Right click the barcode and modify the field properties.
C. Edit the field properties for the barcode in the Custom Function tool.
D. Click on the Barcode Generation Wizard and modify the field properties.
Answer: A
GreatExam is the leader in supplying candidates with current and up-to-date training materials for SAP certification and exam preparation. Comparing with others, our C_BOCR_11 exam questions are more authoritative and complete. We offer the latest C_BOCR_11 PDF and VCE dumps with new version VCE player for free download, and the new C_BOCR_11 practice test ensures your exam 100% pass.
2016 SAP C_BOCR_11 exam dumps (All 293 Q&As) from GreatExam:
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admin June 14th, 2016
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