2016 June SAP Official New Released C_BOCR_11 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Although the SAP C_BOCR_11 dumps are very popular, GreatExam offers a wide range of SAP C_BOCR_11 exam dumps and will continue to release new study guide to meet the rapidly increasing demand of the IT industry.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
You have a date parameter in a Crystal Reports 2008 report. You want to give users the ability to view the report date parameter online. Which parameter option should you use?
A. Editable
B. Optional Prompt
C. Allow Range Values
D. Allow Custom Values
E. Show on Viewer Panel
Answer: E
When using the Database Expert in Crystal Reports, which two methods can you use to move database tables from the Available Data Sources area to the Selected Tables list? (Choose two.)
A. Click and drag the table name onto the Selected Tables list
B. Click the > arrow between the two areas
C. Click the table name and choose Upload to Report
D. Right-click the table name, select Move
Answer: AB
Your Crystal report contains a formula that reads: {Orders.Ship Date} – {Orders.Order Date} what does the numeric value returned by this formula represent?
A. The difference between date ordered and date shipped in months
B. The difference between date ordered and date shipped in minutes
C. The difference between date shipped and date ordered in days
D. The difference between date shipped and date ordered in years
Answer: C
How can you show the same data, grouped differently, in the same report?
A. Cross-Tab
B. Custom Formula
C. Conditional Grouping
D. Summarized fields
Answer: A
When you open the Repository Explorer in Crystal Reports, what must you do before the repository will become accessible?
A. Log in to the Repository Explorer.
B. Log in to your Domain.
C. Log in to the database server.
D. Log in to BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Answer: D
You create a complex report that features drill down by Country, then by Region and then by City. You need to create a different Page Header section for each drill down level in order to describethe contents correctly and enable Show All Headers on Drill Down. Which conditional formatting formula will show Page Header bin the Country drill down but not the Region and the City drill downs?
A. DrillDownGroupLevel <> 0
B. DrillDownGroupLevel = 0
C. DrillDownGroupLevel = 1
D. DrillDownGroupLevel <> 1
Answer: D
Which three tasks can you perform using the Workbench in Crystal Reports? (Choose three.)
A. Publish Workbench projects to BusinessObjects Enterprise as object packages.
B. Organize report objects or object packages in one area regardless of their actual location.
C. Create a new report for a Workbench project.
D. Create projects that include existing Crystal reports.
Answer: ABD
Which two methods can you use to show the same data, grouped differently, in the same report? (Choose two.)
A. Conditional Grouping
B. SQL Command
C. Cross-Tab
D. Subreports
Answer: CD
How do you add fields to an existing report?
A. Add report fields using the Report Explorer.
B. Right-click the report section and select the Add Field option.
C. Right-click the report section and select the Insert Field option.
D. Add report fields using the Field Explorer.
Answer: D
From which two sources can you select an existing list of values when you design a report using dynamic prompts in a parameter? (Choose two.)
A. A Business View
B. The currently open report
C. Any report
D. A Universe
Answer: AB
GreatExam offers the latest SAP C_BOCR_11 dumps and a good range of SAP Certification C_BOCR_11 answers. Most of our SAP C_BOCR_11 exam dumps are exclusively prepared by the best brains and highly skilled professionals from the IT domain to ensure 100% pass in your SAP C_BOCR_11 Exam.
2016 SAP C_BOCR_11 exam dumps (All 293 Q&As) from GreatExam:
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admin June 14th, 2016
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